"Given the choice between an Usborne book and another book a child will always select the Usborne!" ~ Debbie Lerner - 1996 Nat'l Social Studies Teacher of the Year

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My Body Science Series

Earned the Amazon.com Bestseller in Category

Everyone Poops by Taro Gomi is part biology textbook, part sociological treatise and all celebration of a very natural process. Both my daughters begged me to read the book over and over again. They marveled at the enormity of the elephant's poop and searched with the skill of a scientist for the tiny specks which represent bug poop. The text is simple and straightforward but not without humor. 'An elephant makes a big poop,' the book begins. 'A mouse makes a tiny poop. A one-hump camel makes a one-hump poop, And a two-hump camel makes a two-hump poop. Only kidding!' The colorful illustrations are eye-catching and deceptively detailed. The poop of each animal species is very distinctive in size, shape and color…A book which doesn't have any preachy overtones but merely explains where and how each living creature poops seems to work for my two-year-old. In fact, it's number one on the bathroom reading list at our house." - The Expositor

"...a great accompaniment to potty training. Young people need to accept their bodily functions, and if happy and colorful books like this help the cause, then I am all for it." - Kaboose