"Given the choice between an Usborne book and another book a child will always select the Usborne!" ~ Debbie Lerner - 1996 Nat'l Social Studies Teacher of the Year

Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

Top Ten Series for AD/HD and ADD

ABC, 123 - constant practice, hi/lo, find the duck
Slot Books - visual tracking, activity based, hi/lo
1001 Things To Spot - activity based
Puzzle Adventures - activity based, hi/lo
Great Searches - activity based, hi/lo, bite-sized text
Activity Cards - step-by-step, activity based
What Shall I Draw - activity based, step-by-step
Spotter's Guides - activity based, success built in
Fantasy Adventures - activity based, hot topic
Everyday Words - language development, activity based
Beginners Series - hi/lo, interesting non-fiction
Discovery Series - hi/lo, Internet-linked
Young Reading Biographies - hi/lo, interesting non-fiction

To find the books in the online catalog, click here and enter the words in bold. For example, to search for Discovery Series books, type in Discovery Series in the search box.