"Given the choice between an Usborne book and another book a child will always select the Usborne!" ~ Debbie Lerner - 1996 Nat'l Social Studies Teacher of the Year

Matching Grant

Literacy for a Lifetime Matching Grant Program
Partnering with Business for our Future

Educational Development Corporation (EDC), a publicly traded company on NASDAQ (EDUC), is a company dedicated to providing the best educational children's books available in the marketplace. The product line of over 1,300 titles includes history, science, nature, beginning and juvenile readers, foreign languages, and much more. These books are lavishly illustrated, award-winning, critically acclaimed, and are in widespread use in educational institutions as well as in the home.

Educational Development Corporation has developed a program, Literacy for a Lifetime, that aligns our company with corporate donors to provide quality products to educational institutions and charitable organizations.

How does the program work?

  • Donations are made to the educational institution, which are then forwarded to EDC for the matching grant portion.

  • Donations made to the educational institution are tax deductible to corporations, individuals, and foundations.

  • Donations of $200 or more will receive a 50% matching grant from EDC with Usborne books. For example, a $1,000 donation will result in $1500 in Usborne books to the receiving organization.

  • The organization receiving the books has full control over their selection of Usborne books, from an array of over 1300 titles.

  • The matching grant program can be used as often as donations/grants become available. There is no cap on the amount that can be donated or matched.

  1. Who qualifies? Do I need a tax-free number to qualify? What about religious schools, etc.?
    Donations made to charitable organizations or educational institutions qualify. You do not have to have a tax-free number to qualify. For example, a daycare that received a $200 donation would qualify. Spend the $200 in our program and receive $300 in books!

  2. What is the minimum grant or donation amount to participate in Literacy for a Lifetime matching children's book grant program?
    $200 is the minimum. We suggest smaller organizations group their donations together to reach the $200 minimum.

  3. What is the maximum grant amount that you will match with an additional 50% in books?
    There is no maximum cap. If your grant is for $50,000 you would receive $75,000 in books and so forth. There is no limit!

  4. How many times can my organization use the 50% matching grant program?
    There is no limit. You can use the program again and again as donations and grants become available.

  5. Who chooses the books?
    Usually the organization receiving the books chooses the books, including the 50% grant matching free books.

  6. Can I make a book donation to my church, school, etc.?
    Yes. If you are a donor and wish to surprise an organization with the actual books (as opposed to giving them a check), complete the packet above to the best of your ability and we will do the rest.

  7. When is the donation tax deductible?
    Donations made to an educational institution are tax deductible to corporations, individuals, and foundations. For an individual donor to receive a credit on their income tax (for charitable donation), the check (or credit card) must be written to a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Individuals making donations to educational institutions should make their check payable to the school and the school in turn will pay Michelle Sloop, Independent Educational Consultant for EDC, by check or other means.

  8. We want to send the donated books to South America or other non-US country. Will you ship for free?
    No. We only ship for FREE within the USA. We suggest you set aside some of the donation or grant money for additional shipping after the books arrive at your organization.

  9. Do you have accelerated reader titles?

Please contact Michelle Sloop to get your matching grant order placed today.