"Given the choice between an Usborne book and another book a child will always select the Usborne!" ~ Debbie Lerner - 1996 Nat'l Social Studies Teacher of the Year

Usborne First Reading Series

Level One

Short single narrative followed by reading and comprehension puzzle
32 pages
Up to 150 words
10 words per page (1-3) lines
Sentence length on average 2-8 words

Themes: Classic tales (ex. Aesop’s Fables) and folktales
Grammar: Present and simple past tenses; modal verb: can; comparative adjectives
Vocabulary: Simple everyday vocabulary, familiar items

Titles Include:
The Fox and the crow
The Fox and the Stork
The Sun and the Wind

Level Two

Single narrative plus character sheets and/or maps, and puzzles
32 pages
Up to 250 words
20 words per page (2-4 lines)
Sentence length on average 6-10 words

Themes: As Level One, including less familiar folktalkes
Grammar: As Level One plus future; modal verbs: could and must; comparatives and superlatives
Vocabulary: More descriptive and evocative vocabulary, always clear in context

Titles Include:
Breer Rabbit Down the Well

Level Three

Single Narrative with repeated elements, plus character sheets and/or maps, no puzzles
48 pages
Up to 450 words
30 words per page (2-5 lines)
Sentence length on average 8-12 words

Themes: As Level Two plus original fiction and non-fiction (natural history life cycles)
Grammar: As Level Two plus present and past perfect; range of modal verbs
Vocabulary: Powerful verbs and adjectives, clear in context

Titles Include:
The Fish That Talked
The Old Woman Who Swallowed a Fly

Level Four

Single narrative
48 pages
Up to 750 words
40 words per page (3-6 lines)
Sentence length on average 8-15 words

Themes: As Level Three plus classic fairy tales
Grammar: Full range of tenses
Vocabulary: More exotic elements and controlled use of idiom

Titles Include:
Little Red Riding Hood
Emperor and the Nightingale