"Given the choice between an Usborne book and another book a child will always select the Usborne!" ~ Debbie Lerner - 1996 Nat'l Social Studies Teacher of the Year

10 Tips for Reading Aloud to Children

  1. Remember: The art of listening is acquired.
  2. The first time you read a book, discuss the cover illustration.
  3. Read slowly enough or the child to build mental pictures.
  4. Use plenty of expression, change your tone of voice, and adjust your pace to fit the story.
  5. Encourage involvement; invite the child to turn pages for you.
  6. Ask "What do you think is going to happen next?"
  7. During repeat readings of a predictable book, stop at key phrases and allow the child to provide the words.
  8. If you can't finish a chapter, find a suspenseful spot at which to stop.
  9. Paper, crayons and pencils allow active children to keep their hands busy while listening.
  10. Reading aloud comes naturally to very few people. To do it with ease takes practice. It's worth it!

Based on "Thirty DO's to Remember when Reading Aloud" by Jim Trelease

Changing the World...One Book at a Time!