"Given the choice between an Usborne book and another book a child will always select the Usborne!" ~ Debbie Lerner - 1996 Nat'l Social Studies Teacher of the Year

Learning Wrap-Ups

A unique patented learning tool which utilizes visual and tactile learning senses. The key shaped Wrap-Ups are locked together. The attached string wraps from question to answers. Immediate feedback is provided through a self-correcting feature on the back of each key. Children will master basic skills and have fun in the process. Each package contains 10 boards.

How to Use Learning Wrap-Ups
Animated Demo
  1. Hold the bundle of wrap-ups at the top of the key and select the specific key you want to wrap.
  2. Begin with the sting next to the first number on the left. Read the large number in the center and perform the function (example 12 X 7). Find the answer on the right side, and then draw the string around the back to the next number on the left. Continue the process until complete.
  3. As you wrap the keys, say the problems and answers aloud. This will provide for auditory learning.
  4. When finished, secure the string in the notch at the bottom and see if the string matches the lines on the back. If they do, the key was wrapped correctly.

Basic Math Resource Kit
This kit is designed to fit the needs of resource centers and libraries. It's perfect for working with small groups of students with varying degrees of ability. Included are six sets of five Learning Wrap-Ups, covering addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and fractions (total of 30 sets). you'll also receive the corresponding Wrap-Up CD's as well as our Math Facts teaching manual, and four of our new 32-page Math Mastery books.