"Given the choice between an Usborne book and another book a child will always select the Usborne!" ~ Debbie Lerner - 1996 Nat'l Social Studies Teacher of the Year

Fiction for Teens


“I have lived the life of a princess since the day I was born. But it did
not bring me what I wanted. I am still trapped. My beloved Ned
speaks of love, freedom, a future. To walk with him in the forest,
our raven soaring above us, is my only joy. But my father plans
that I shall be betrothed to the King and I am afraid. Queens of
England have a habit of dying. I have no desire to take the throne,
no wish to find myself in the Tower of London. Wife, Queen - I fear
it will bring me to my knees.”


“Plymouth 1586. I am afraid. These pale-skinned men have killed
my mother and betrayed my people. Now they have brought me
to a place they call England where they want to display me in front
of their 'Virgin Queen'. My name is Nadie, but some call me 'savage'.
I find it hard to endure their taunts, stares and insults. I do not want
to live in this grey, inhospitable land. And yet there is one boy,
Tom, whose blacksmith's dark skin matches my own. When he looks at me
the fire of love burns in my heart. I feel I could find happiness with
Tom - but can his love for me survive in my world, with my people?”


Teenage cowboy, Travis McClure is desperate for adventure.
He's bored with life on the remote planet of Aletha Three,
herding cattle all day. But everything changes when he comes
face-to-face with a creature that should only exist in nightmares.